Comment on The Reason for the Electoral College 5 months ago
Its stupid, just count every vote with the same fucking weight like a normal place.
Comment on The Reason for the Electoral College 5 months ago
Its stupid, just count every vote with the same fucking weight like a normal place. 5 months ago
. The United States is a republic governed by states. That’s why a popular vote is an incredibly stupid idea as it conflicts with our form of government. 5 months ago
No. You vote for your state stuff and you vote for your federal government, these are separate things and the votes should be counted equally, equality is a necessity to a good version of democracy. 5 months ago
The founding fathers hated democracy. They knew it would lead to idiots voting for the wrong things.
That’s why we vote for people to represent us. 5 months ago
I like how you act like you really believe these things and that they make sense. 5 months ago
They do make sense. We have a very stable government for a reason. A popular vote is something people who do understand the Constitution or the power of the states.
Being president isn’t about being popular. It is about the states picking the person to represent them.
We are a representative government. We are not a boy band where popularity matters. 5 months ago
I can’t parse that sentence.
What? Within each state it’s a popularity contest.
So you’re saying popular vote or ‘boy band popularity contest’ is fine within each state, but not for the whole nation at once, because we have to disproportionately select electors where people in North Dakota count 3x as much as people in Texas or California. Why’s that? The Senate is already bad enough where 30 million people in Texas get the same weight as 4 million people in Oregon or 700,000 in North Dakota.
The idea that the US is a coalition of independent states made sense over 150 years ago or 250 years ago, but not so much now. As much as say, some idiots in Texas fantasize about it, states are not free to leave the US and it’s no different than any country made up of provinces.
I would be more fine with the electoral college if the number of electors was updated to match growing populations. The system also is super lame in how it makes the entire election come down to tens of thousands of votes in ‘swing states’. 5 months ago
How many ammendments to the Constitution are there, and why? 5 months ago
Do you prefer voting for somebody that promises to do what a large diverse group of people want or voting on issues directly? 5 months ago
It’s worked so far 5 months ago
The idea is the majority vote for stupid things. The people we vote it are supposed to balance it with intelligence. Just because children want extra candy doesn’t mean they should get the the candy. 5 months ago
If you’re a white make of moderate to high wealth*