Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 2 months ago
Who fucking reports comments made outside of work to HR? Learn how to handle uncomfortable social situations on your own you little tattler.
Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 2 months ago
Who fucking reports comments made outside of work to HR? Learn how to handle uncomfortable social situations on your own you little tattler. 2 months ago
The fact that some event happened outside of work hours by no means disqualifies it as legitimate harassment. We should absolutely not be disparaging people for invoking this protection. Think of all the vulnerable groups who may be less likely to speak up after some shitty behavior if we start shitting on people for invoking this protection.…/enforcement-guidance-harassment-workpl… 2 months ago
I agree, this is a work function so HR could be invoked.
That said, I’m with Anon on this one. His coworker started it, and while on the surface Anon’s response sounds much darker, Anon is punching up and Israeli Coworker is punching down.
The potato famine was an economic genocide incited by colonial powers. You’d think if they get a laugh out of that they’d also get a laugh about currently ongoing genocides. 2 months ago
Yes please daddy HR please mediate this mild discomfort between two coworkers because we cannot be bothered to just apologize to each other and move on
Dont get me wrong i dont disagree with you that some people depend on the protection it offers, but it also makes me wonder how the person gets by outside work when they have to solve disagreements and rude interactions on their own. 2 months ago
And my point is that this kind of thinking is what contributes to our abysmal rate of people speaking up due to harassment.…/workplace-harassment-why-women-dont-…