Comment on (Religious) What would i be labeled? 5 months agoIf you do not believe there is at least one god, don’t you automatically believe there is at most zero gods? Isn’t that how logic works? If you don’t know you say you don’t know, not you dont believe. When you say you do not believe you think have proof it isn’t… 5 months ago
The purpose of my jellybean thought exercise was to show that “I don’t know” and “I don’t believe” are not mutually exclusive. Basically:
I do not believe [x] != I believe [not x]
I don’t believe in String Theory. String Theory may be correct for all I know: I am not a physicist, and my understanding of String Theory is cursory at best.
Because I do not have enough evidence to warrant belief, I cannot say I believe in String Theory. But that same lack of understanding means I must also say I don’t believe that String Theory is false.