Comment on hey yall 3 months agoI’m disputing Daily Signal, no point in reading it. If you have MDH reports you could link that directly.
“Babies,” “left to die,” with “no care.” Kool-Aid.
Meanwhile you want policies to force unwilling people into slavery carrying a fetus. That’s pretty rape-y, but your leader is a rapist, so no surprise there.
What is surprising is you are whining about being left to die with no care but fully supporting people who want to give birth instead bleeding out because they are refused medical care. 3 months ago
You’re disputing it but provide no evidence that there are falsehoods.
Just because it’s troubling for you doesn’t make it less true.
Keeping working those straw man arguments. I have said nothing on my opnion of abortion or what I want. Leaving a baby to die is a horrible act, do you find it acceptable?
Nice try at another straw man. Where in the US are abortions illegal if the life of the mother is threatened? 3 months ago
It’s a Heritage Foundation propaganda outlet. We don’t need additional evidence. You need evidence from a credible source. There is no worthwhile discussion to have if you are drinking Kool-Aid from a propaganda outlet.
I thought you were going to link to the government’s actual records as a source? What happened there? Oh, does it not support whatever fictitious claims your propaganda outlet is making?
Talk about strawman. You keep writing “babies.” Disingenuous. Do these fetuses even have brain activity? Link to the official records, let’s discuss things that actually happened instead of your propaganda outlet’s fever dreams.
Where is it illegal to save someone’s life? Texas, for one.
You are supporting a rapist and supporting the rape-y behavior of forcing women into medical slavery. You also enjoy helping child rapists abuse children by forcing them to continue victimization, like in Ohio. This is very disgusting and disturbing. 3 months ago
This logical falicacy is called ad hominem. You don’t have any evidence that the claims are untrue or have even disputed the claims.
Now I have to provide additional evidence because you think there might be a possibility that the claims in the article may be false. How about you provide evidence that they are false.
You’re just as bad with your logical fallacies as you are with science. Per the article, whose claims you have not refuted, the babies were out of the womb, do you think babies can be fetuses after they have been born?
Did you RTFA her life was not in danger. She had the risk of developing gestational diabetes, that’s it. Her own doctor never claimed there was a risk to her life.
More crazy rantings from a person who is in favor of infiantcide. 3 months ago
You don’t understand what an ad hominem is. It absolutely is relevant to the argument whether or not the source is trustworthy. You cannot use a propaganda outlet as a source and then pretend people need to address that as if it is real. If it were an ad hominem you would be able to link to real evidence.
As expected from a Kool-Aid chugger who supports medical slavery and bleeding out for women and children, supports pedophiles with raping and continued victimizing of children, and supports a rapist as a presidential candidate. You will grasp as whatever tenuous logic might support your whining.
Post-birth abortions are fictional. Donald is a liar. Donald was caught in an obvious and large lie, one of hundreds he has told. Kamala simply did not lie as blatantly. It was not “three on one,” and it is pathetic to pretend that it was.
Why don’t you go generate some AI images of A-list celebrities pretending they like Donald to self-soothe instead of trying to insist that everyone else believe the propaganda which fuels your fear addiction.