Anyone who doesn’t immediately improve things to a completely unreasonable to expect degree is the enemy. Yep.
Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 4 months agoanticommunist propaganda
As if that was needed to show how communists do things.
people feel like they’re getting fucked, and Trump offers a clear, simple narrative of who is fucking them
Kamala comes across more as representing the political establishment, and her messaging doesn’t tap into that dissatisfaction or contrarian nature
Not only that’s correct, but she’s still your enemy. It’s just a situation where one has to choose what’s worse. From my point of view far from USA - Trump is immediately worse. But that doesn’t mean Harris is going to radically improve things.
It’s sad you have no third strong grassroots movement, but that seems to be the case in every shitty election.
Russia, when it supposedly had those, first was choosing between Yeltsin and his “kinda democrats, but with that smell” and “red-brown” communists with Stalin pics and swastikas, second between Putin and senile communists, the third one was between thinly masqueraded Putin and rich city kids, and then it kinda lost meaning. Trump is kinda similar to the “red-brown” side in the first example.
One can find many such example. 4 months ago 4 months ago
You don’t want oligarchy and she’s on oligarchy’s side. Please remember what made Trump win the first time.
I don’t expect her to improve things at all. Only compared to what would happen if Trump would win. 4 months ago
One of the few things that both Democrats and Republicans work together on is making sure that there are no viable third parties. 4 months ago
That’s not surprising, but if that doesn’t change, things won’t get better.