Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 5 months ago
Many good points on here. I’d also suggest watching “Get Me Roger Stone”. In it, Stone basically details his secrets to getting the ‘silent majority’ to pay attention. He says that fear is a bigger motivator than love. He says that the uneducated can’t tell the difference between entertainment and politics. There’s so many lines in that documentary that will make your ears perk up and be like, damnt, this was exactly how they did it. 5 months ago
He’s correct in a sense you may not notice.
Those voters fear Harris and what she represents, and love some idea of what GOP could in theory represent.
So the fact that Trump is shit means less for them as it’s on the side they love, while Harris being stronger makes them even more afraid.
That is, the best strategy for Dems to insure victory would be to successfully present Trump as having a potential to win to his own voters. Then they would care about him being a felon and such. 5 months ago
You lost me in the last sentence. I think what you said rings true with an exception. I don’t believe that the people you’re referencing will bother with learning how to care again. It would be a tacit admission that it was willful ignorance. 5 months ago
They’ll just be afraid.