Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 3 months agoOR install it via Chocolatey:
Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 3 months agoOR install it via Chocolatey: 3 months ago
WinGet is slowly replacing Chocolatey :) 3 months ago
No it isn’t 3 months ago
I know both but didn’t know this. Why and how is it? 3 months ago
Winget is built-in, doesn’t require an elevated command prompt, and will actually update stuff installed from outside of winget if you want.
I use chocolatey for some kubernetes tools (fluxCD and helm) because they get updated a little bit faster (like a day or less) but it’s pretty much been made obsolete for my use.
That being said, if my job didn’t require me to use windows, I’d probably just use NixOS full time.