Comment on Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me? 5 months ago
Well, you aren’t really talking about gaming on Linux. You’re talking about running Windows games on Linux. Wine and Linux are absolutely amazing for gaming, but it’s mostly up to the developers at this point.
About waht you are saying about Anno; I have a feeling you’re not fully understanding Wine/Proton and how it works. By learning a bit about it you’ll probably start to understand what actually is not working. A good place to start is always the ProtonDB page. 5 months ago
whats the difference between gaming on linux and running windows games on linux? isnt both of them gaming on linux
protondb as good as a resource it may be, i tried it often, with anno 1404 too, but i honestly dont recall tweaks there ever working for me (for games rated to be running of course, i dont try games that are rated in the red naturally)
I see that linux is pretty good in benchmarks and i believe it so too, however, that is not the case for me and im at a point where im torn between “something is wrong with me and my setup” and “what voodoo is everyone else using that they arent telling me?” 5 months ago
There are games that are native to linux that run just fine