Comment on Sony officially teases PlayStation 5 Pro - 5 months agoI like to play my games on hardware that I picked out and put together personally. Also I like that hardware to be using an OS of my choosing with as much expandable storage as I could possibly want. Also, I don’t like to give my money to companies that encourage exclusivity on their hardware. 5 months ago
Yeah, if you enjoy the process of fiddling around with your system and installing cool new drivers and programs to get your game running then PC gaming is better no doubt.
I just want to turn the game on and play though 5 months ago
But once you get it working, it works. It’s not as hard as you imagine, got a working Linux gaming setup in less than an hour after building my PC, and with software like EndeavourOS and Proton, you can get yours setup in such a short amount of time it’d blow your mind. 5 months ago
It works, and then you don’t enjoy the game so it was all for nothing, or they release a patch that changes something so you have to do it all over again. And then you have that to look forward to with every new game you want to try out.
I follow a lot of PC gamers on social media and they’re always crowd-sourcing technical questions about why this or that isn’t working like they expect. 5 months ago
Right, hate it when my gaming PC gives me depression lol. 5 months ago
you just need to do that once 5 months ago
You make it sound like any of that is difficult or extremely time consuming, which it isn’t. The payout far exceeds the price for entry. 5 months ago
I do PC game, so let me give you a counterpoint:
I have GeForce Experience which manages my drivers, but after a windows update awhile back suddenly the updates fail at like 80%, no idea why.
Now I’m just barely smart enough that I could probably fix it if I sat down for an hour or two and did some googling.
But why would I do that? I can just hit the power button on my Xbox and not have to troubleshoot an obscure problem. 5 months ago
You are paying hundreds of dollars to avoid minor driver issues that most people don’t even face. That’s your choice, but I can’t say that I see the sense in it.