Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

why you have to be completely sedated and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for expensive anesthesia

I’ve got this one, my dude. It’s because American healthcare is mercenary and broken. When I had, um, a similar ‘retroscopic’ test from the other end, I was under a general, needed a buddy at the end, out for a few hours, etc; seems to be about the same.

Cost: $0

Premiums/subscription: $0

Material costs: $0 also

Like, I pay my income tax and the healthcare is just what’s there – we run it on income tax only, and before covid it was apparently funded adequately. Yeah, we’re short on doctors right now as many of them left the field because of aggressive ‘mah raghts’ hillbillies whipped into a frenzy by the conservatives, but they run the triage and they keep their appointments. It’s so different from when I lived in 07974.
