6 months ago
I know nothing about game development, so feel free to reference back to that. If the player is controlling an actual toddler in this game, rather than a 2ft tall Ethan Winters, have you considered trying to alter the camera and movement controls so they are more wobbly/unsteady? The most jarring observation I had from the trailer was "No toddler on the planet moves that purposefully.
Otherwise I think you have a fantastic spooky atmosphere and I think the idea of playing a helpless child really lends itself to the horror genre in a powerful way.
Do you think you could expand on what the gameplay is actually like? 6 months ago
Typically you don’t want to move the camera around too much without the player’s inout because it can easily induce motion sickness or simulator sickness. If you ever played the 1.0 release of Layers of Fear then you might understand, the main character’s drunken hobble moved the camera very significantly which I believe was later patched to be less or tunable in the options menu. But doing this to player movement should be fine.