I don’t think it’s funny, because the joke is illogical. If he is a teacher in a University, and it looks like it, that it is his job to mansplain.
So close. You seem to have Sheldon levels of understanding sarcasm.
It’s just a simple joke about the term being misapplied to an everyday setting.
flora_explora@beehaw.org 3 months ago
I’ll bite. The joke is funny because it is this kind of joke that comes from a place of desperation about our current world and how unfair it is and twists it sarcastically.
There are power imbalances and sexist tropes pervading all of our interactions, men mansplaining stuff are everywhere. Men get believed more often and and people associate more authority with them. Also, men see other men as subjects that they can compete or bond with, but see women largely as objects that they want to possess and control. This is the patriarchy and the setting for our little joke here.
And in the light of all this sexism, it seems so frustrating to see an university running ads with obviously sexist tropes of one guy explaining stuff to all women around him. It doesn’t matter how anyone of these people identifies for our joke, because the message stays the same.
Saying “oh look you can do a master’s in mansplaining now” is funny because it desperately goes for any other explanation that the real reason for this ad is, namely sexism. “This must be a course on mansplaining, why would they show this otherwise?” It is a way to deal with how fucked up this world is by sarcastically twisting it so that it gives a seemingly delusional alternative answer.
I guess people who don’t experience a certain discrimination or who are not open to reflect upon it, won’t find this joke funny. Because without the pain and the comedic relief, this wouldn’t be funny. For a deeper explanation of this, see this fabulous video by contrapoints on exactly this topic:
addictedtochaos@lemm.ee 3 months ago
“This must be a course on mansplaining, why would they show this otherwise?” It is a way to deal with how fucked up this world is by sarcastically twisting it so that it gives a seemingly delusional alternative answer.
yeah, that’s what you believe people are thinking.
I guess you are a woman. i am a man. so i am mansplaining this to you: you don’t know how men see other men. and you have no right to assume you know. stop doing that, it’s exhausting.
And apparently, this is not a joke at all, since what you want to achieve is coping with your insecurities, via condensation thinley veiled as sarcasm.
so the whole thing backfired, and resulted into you having to explain me how i should react.
stop doing that sort of thing, it is manipulation.
so, no wonder the whole thing did not make sense at all.
I was joking .-)
i get it after your explanation, I am onboard, it is a really well thought out piece of art, i love how it changes my male ineptitude for the better.
Thanks for the explanation, you were a good catch!
take care .-)
flora_explora@beehaw.org 3 months ago
Jokes on you, I’m actually a trans woman and have experienced going through the world as a man lol
addictedtochaos@lemm.ee 3 months ago
scheise, wieder reingefallen. bin autistisch und stehe auf logik, das ist alles. ich hab spaß am diskutieren, und ich wollte auf keinen fall deine gefühle und überzeugeungen verlrtzen
moment ma
du bist en kerl. hör bloß auf mit deinem patriarch gelaber, das ist ja opferumkehr oder sowas. naja, ich weiß nich, was es ist, aber irgendwas schlimmes hast du bestimmt angestellt. zumindest als du noch ein kerl warst, hast du männer und frauen als objekte gesehen und alles das. zum glück hast du deine fehler eingesehen und bist ne frau geworden. ne andere lösung für das dilemma scheints nämlich nicht zugeben, da toxische männlichkeiut angebohrt, ist und nie weggeht und so.
k hau rein, danke daß du mir den "witz erklärt hast, hab auch gelacht