Comment on Natural Inspiration 5 months ago
Unrelated to the other question: any geoguesser?
My best guess is Kluane Lake, Alaska Highway through the Yukon. But Google Street view says there is more taiga there.
Comment on Natural Inspiration 5 months ago
Unrelated to the other question: any geoguesser?
My best guess is Kluane Lake, Alaska Highway through the Yukon. But Google Street view says there is more taiga there. 5 months ago
I don’t think the US/Canada usually does that style of power pole, with three phases on a crossarm and no neutral below.
Barriers on what looks like a pretty low-traffic low-risk road too.
I would think somewhere Scandinavia or central Europe. NZ wouldn’t put barriers like that up. 5 months ago
The house is also something you definitely wouldn’t see in NZ, I also think Scandinavia, probably Norway. 5 months ago
I’m from Vesterålen in Northern Norway and this is giving me huge home vibes. 5 months ago
Never been, but would like to visit someday. 5 months ago
Looks very Norwegian, and there seems to be a crossing on the road used to prevent sheep from leaving the area (while cars still can drive over it) which is also something we have in Norway. 5 months ago
Those crossings we do also have in NZ, a country with many sheep 5 months ago
The house and pole line would fit in Quebec backcountry place or the maritimes, but the rock walls and the mountains don’t fit as well.