Comment on Seconds
Set G = 1 and c =1. Then equations like r = 2m make dimensional sense.
My brother, that explanation is not nearly dumbed down enough and as with most math wiki is useless for eli5 stuff.
I think a lot of people understand the concept of light-seconds, which can measure distance in seconds.
Allow me to introduce the gravity-second. 1 gravity-second of mass-energy is enough mass-energy to have a Schwarzchild radius of 2 light-seconds.
I get what you’re saying but am still too dumb to understand it lol
Size of a black hole.
Certain mass = certain distance
Distance = seconds
Therefore mass = seconds 4 months ago
My brother, that explanation is not nearly dumbed down enough and as with most math wiki is useless for eli5 stuff. 4 months ago
I think a lot of people understand the concept of light-seconds, which can measure distance in seconds.
Allow me to introduce the gravity-second. 1 gravity-second of mass-energy is enough mass-energy to have a Schwarzchild radius of 2 light-seconds. 4 months ago
I get what you’re saying but am still too dumb to understand it lol 4 months ago
Size of a black hole.
Certain mass = certain distance
Distance = seconds
Therefore mass = seconds