Stumbled upon this:…/black-white-2001-open-source-…
Good timing for revisiting this classic.
Black and White were fantastic.
Also many decades ago now. He went on to make massive promises for the Fabe series - and while I enjoyed them, they absolutely did not meet what he had described. Hence his reputation these days of over promising and under delivering
Stumbled upon this:…/black-white-2001-open-source-…
Good timing for revisiting this classic. 6 months ago
He definitely got worse over time. It’s sad, really. Despite always exaggerating and overpromising he still used to reliably put out good, fun games. I remember Bullfrog used to be a venerable company, the first Fable was a solid game (despite not being what he promised it would be) and Dungeon Keeper was a classic. And yeah, Black & White were great.