Thank you for the response but out of curiousity how much would it cost to get its own servers and be also a hosting site. Kind of like imgur was born out of reddit and that turned into a huge platform. How can someone do the same for us? 5 months ago
In default there are 20 posts shown ( maximum )
It is not feasable to increase it higher, because it never seen to be needed or wanted ( from the instance admins ) as more posts to load => more infrastructure costs. 5 months ago 5 months ago
We are hosting Lemmy on our own servers, it costs us ( including all other services like etc… ) 1.5k€ ( it is outdated but it should be in that range, ca. Dec. 2023 ) 5 months ago
You guys or gals are in Europe? oh btw I just want to thank all the admins who respond to mine and others posts showing that you are hands on…no sarcasm. 5 months ago
Ok read that. But as a non admin or even a programmer can I learn and this may not be the right word to code so I can help out lemmy more? Or do I need to go to inbox after inbox asking for donations? again no sarcasm. 5 months ago
Without programming knowledge you can not do that. We are not the creators of lemmy.
Here is all the code that is connected to lemmy: 5 months ago
That can’t be true when most apps (and many are web wrapper’s) have infinite scroll. 5 months ago
Just scroll to fast and then you get rate limited. Infinity scroll is the enemy of every infra admin.
We can not disallow that usage, so that is out of reach for us. But that is “ok” if its still in the given rate limit that every instance is defined for themselves.