Comment on I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie? ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

So, how do I become a better liar to the tune of: I want to keep working here, I like what I do, I like seeing patients leave healthy and independent to live their lives… until I find a job I like more?

Every job you are employed at should be a place you learn skills or gain knowledge about how to get the next job you want at a future employer. Change your mindset to this: You are now moving on to your new employer. You want to be the best you can be for the new employer. What do you need to learn now to be successful there? Now, put yourself in a position at your current employer that you can learn those things. Is it building better intake or reporting process? Perhaps a certification to handle specific care or dispense specific pharmaceuticals? Compliance is always a big one. Is there an audit of some kind that someone needs to learn the rules for to implement or check in your current workspace? Figure out what that is for your future employer and get excited about that work, the work that enables you to leave where you are today!
