Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 6 months agoI agree that it would be a nice gesture, and I probably wouldn’t decline, but to just discount OPs feelings about it is FAR more rude than declining to be in a photo.
They don’t like it, and they should not consent just because it’ll make someone feel better.
I could go for a blowjob right now, I mean, it’s no big deal, will only take a few minutes and I’ll feel much better afterwards. It’s a simple, virtually riskless request (I know for a fact I don’t have any STIs) it’s best just to make another person happy and suck a dick.
Just because you’re ok with getting your picture taken, that doesn’t mean that someone else has to be. There are plenty of people who wouldn’t think twice about sucking off a stranger, how would you feel if they told you to just “deal with it”? 6 months ago
I didn’t discount them. They asked for advice, which included not having to explain themselves, and I gave it to them.
And I feel pretty justified in my position if the counter position requires comparing getting your picture taken to sucking a dick. 6 months ago
I feel very uncomfortable doing this.
Who cares, just fucking do it anyway.
Real supportive there. Your feeling of justification just tells me you don’t want to understand. 6 months ago
I didn’t say no one cares, I said it would be something i tell my children to suck up and do anyway. Just like cleaning their rooms, brushing their teeth, or dressing nicely: all things that will help them out, and be pleasant for those around them, even if they don’t particularly like them.
But apparently we’ve gotten to the point where im just being misrepresented. If you don’t want to see my position, I can’t force you to. 6 months ago
Likewise. Have a great day. 6 months ago
Dude, everyone sees your position clearly, you spend few hundred paragraphs repeating yourselves, and explaining that feelings of the person asking are more important than feelings of the person being asked and therefore it is rude to decline the wish.
People are disagreeing with you because that position is stupid and creepy, not because they don’t understand.
you also said shit like “they extended enough courtesy by even asking” which sounds somewhat pro-rapey to me. Seek help, you are not all right in your head.