Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months agoI know the source material is different than the garbage show.
What you need to prove is that Cavil knew this going in and then changed his mind. This is your entire premise to show Cavil is in the wrong here 6 months ago
The first article I linked explained it pretty good, but apparently you couldn’t be assed to read it, but that’s apart par for the course when anyone tries discussing this. Cavill can’t be wrong, yet he literally said he was, but he still asininely pushed for “source material”, which was both books and video game.
Of course he knew the limitations of the media, he would be daft not to, and you’re even worse for not comprehending this, doubly so when asked for a source and provided it, you still beak off. 6 months ago
Lol you must be like 12 to care this deeply about such bullshit 6 months ago
You asked for sources, and now insult me for providing what you asked for? The fuck is wrong with you lol.