Maybe read some article about this, this isn’t new information, but sure, claim ignorance I guess.
Makes claims, provides ZERO fucking links or sources, issues homework instead.
Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months agoThey did, they used the skeleton to tell a different story, but cavil didn’t like it wasn’t a 1:1 retelling, yet no one wants to discuss how the games weren’t either. Yet he was arguing for content from both…?
Dude didn’t even know the lore himself, and was forcing the showrunners to do a story they never intended.
Maybe read some article about this, this isn’t new information, but sure, claim ignorance I guess.
Maybe read some article about this, this isn’t new information, but sure, claim ignorance I guess.
Makes claims, provides ZERO fucking links or sources, issues homework instead.
I provided sources, even though I really didn’t have to.
They made claims first, so the onus is on them, I did them a solid and provided sources, that even contradict their claims, and they provided nothing.
But sure, beak off at ME I guess? lol. 6 months ago
Still waiting on all those sources that put you in the high horse of knowledge that is The Witcher tv series 6 months ago
The fact that season 1 has nothing to do with the books, if you’ve read them… should be the biggest enough hint.
But how many Articles do you want
Maybe why don’t you explain what’s the same between them? Because most people agree, they aren’t the same story, and if it was… do you think cavil would be fighting for it to be the same…? Your argument doesn’t even work lmfao. 6 months ago
I know the source material is different than the garbage show.
What you need to prove is that Cavil knew this going in and then changed his mind. This is your entire premise to show Cavil is in the wrong here 6 months ago
The first article I linked explained it pretty good, but apparently you couldn’t be assed to read it, but that’s apart par for the course when anyone tries discussing this. Cavill can’t be wrong, yet he literally said he was, but he still asininely pushed for “source material”, which was both books and video game.
Of course he knew the limitations of the media, he would be daft not to, and you’re even worse for not comprehending this, doubly so when asked for a source and provided it, you still beak off.