Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months agoK. First time seeing this site and the media bias is more like bullshit clickbait. Dude is passionate about source material and willing to walk when they make that bullshit season 3. 6 months ago
Admittedly I did not do a lot of digging for the best source and instead just skimmed and saw it summarizing the stuff I’d heard before. The original information comes from a podcast but instead of sourcing the podcast, the article decided to source a reddit thread which was just a transcript of the podcast… Bad journalism and I should’ve found a better source to site here. Either way, the original transcript is shown in the article. 6 months ago
Don’t spread rumors about people without proof 6 months ago
I mean the original transcript is in the article and it’s a primary source. I just sent a link that poorly sourced the original podcast. It’s not really a lack of proof and more so that the article is poorly displaying the proof we have. 6 months ago
Yeah sorry I got heated I was having a bad moment and overblew things in my head.