The difference is no official White House or Harris Campaign (or lib news outlets) have retweeted this. People on the internet are going to make this shit, and I find it entertaining honestly. Once the official channels start trying to pretend it’s news or real, then it’s too far imo.
Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 6 months ago“Its a good thing as long as it hurts the right people”
Fuck that. Be better than them.
Its such a low bar it should be easy 6 months ago 6 months ago
I just meant the AI pictures 6 months ago
We tried that and they put 3 supreme court justices on the court. Fuck that bullshit. Use. Everything. To. Survive. 6 months ago
I am so torn between these two arguments. Sometimes you have to go to war, but what atrocities can you live with committing? It’s a tough line to walk. 6 months ago
Do you want to be steamrolled by morons or do you want to play meme games better than them so they hide and cower? Pretty easy if you ask me. 6 months ago
Yep, that’s the one side. The other side is the idea that we choose to be moral or immoral and, while name calling is mean, lying and trying to deceive is immoral. It would also mean being a part of the shift from “pics or it didn’t happen” to “you can’t believe every picture you see”, mirroring what happened with news. There’s a argument that we’re there already or it’s inevitable, there’s an argument of “do anything you have to in order to win” but, while that feels true, it also feels kind of wrong to me.