Been fighting this fight for a while. It’s like everyone I’ve ever said something to in real life doesn’t understand. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one. Lol
Been fighting this fight for a while. It’s like everyone I’ve ever said something to in real life doesn’t understand. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one. Lol 6 months ago
Some people don’t have a choice. When we were really poor, we shopped there even though I hated it, because we literally couldn’t afford to shop anywhere else. But as soon as I started making better money I completely boycotted them. Other people are just really apathetic to anything that doesn’t directly impact them in the immediate present. And then of course there are plenty of less than intelligent people who just don’t get it, like you said. 6 months ago
I try to be understanding for those people, and I was also one of those people at one point. I also didn’t know any better when I was younger.