Comment on Romanian oligarch hired Hunter Biden to influence US policy, special counsel says 7 months ago
Did judge Cannon decide that special counsels were actually illegal? So why do we care? And if we do care about this special counsel shouldn’t we also care about the one charging trump about all those classified documents? 7 months ago
No, that isn’t what she said at all. Not all special counsels are illegal. It is that Jack Smith was not appointed properly that made it illegal. 7 months ago
And that way, without Senate confirmation, is the same way in which David Weiss was appointed special counsel in the Hunter Biden case.
So, are you defending/citing the work of an illegal appointee? And if so, shouldn’t we also care about Jack Smith’s charges? 7 months ago
David Weiss was appointed legal. 7 months ago
What do you see as the difference that made one appointment legal and the other illegal? (Other than one is investigating a Biden and the other is investigating trump.)