Comment on Paid Leave Olympics 7 months agoI said it. You responded to it. I guess you responded without reading.
And as someone with the same insurance they give to the local teachers and is thousands of dollars in medical debt over just two years, comparing that to the French healthcare system is laughable. 7 months ago
What? Again. I did not say teachers get free healthcare before. Why are you so hostile? I feel like you get the impression that you either want to view anyone who disagrees with you as dumb or a villain.
Anyways, you said:
To which I responded:
Because yes, a teacher does get a third of the year off.
$30,000 of debt? If not you still made a profit. 7 months ago
See that “free healthcare” line you literally pasted from my post? That’s the part you didn’t respond to.
How are you not aware that there are things health insurance either doesn’t cover or doesn’t cover 100%? 7 months ago
Correct, meaning I didn’t claim they did have it…
What does that have to do with what I said. Also FYI, there’s a lot of things single payer systems don’t cover. One of my relatives has to travel to the US for treatment 7 months ago
Travel to the U.S. from where? Treatment for what? Do you expect me to just accept that?
By the way, you know what else a lot of the French don’t have? Student loan debt.