I was thinking more of an open API of how the game interacts with multiplayer services, so that in theory anyone could setup a server, or server services. In practice I completely agree with you though. Nobody wants to do the whole “Oh wait, you’re on that server? I have an account with that other server” thing. Steam, or some other party, would just become the defacto place.
Sweats in GameSpy
Honestly, it would probably lead to the major distributors also having control over that… So I guess one more yacht for Gaben?
Kinda funny that people on this platform consider that centralization of the service would be a good thing.
anakin78z@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Tlaloc_Temporal@lemmy.ca 6 months ago
On one hand, I’d love to see drop in replacements for steam services, especially something that could be selfhosted. On the other hand, if steam services ever goes down, there are metric megatons of reasons to reverse engineer a solution. The centralisation could end up being standardisation.