Comment on Early opinion ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Can’t comment on story so far but voice acting and the setup are really good so far, looking forward to learning more about the kryptis, wizards and demons! It definitely feels soooo janky at times - overlapping audio, desynced cinematics and sound, progression breaking bugs in story instances, lots of backtracking to home base, etc.

The new WV reward system seems… interesting. If anything I think the rewards might be too good because I kinda want to grind every daily and weekly now and I’m pretty sure I will hate it by the end of quarter?

The rifts are kinda disappointing, we only have tier 1s and they are kinda lame both in terms of encounter itself and rewards you get from it.

Runes seem torn in identity, 90% of them are fun utilities but the 10% will be meta defining and the only ones in actual use. They should have made them either all utility and niche, or all build-defining.
