You say that like there isn’t a healthy middle.
Comment on Texas Rancher Sues Biden, DHS Over Damage to Property Allegedly Caused by Illegal Immigrants 7 months ago
This is going to be a major issue in the election. Both sides have taken extreme stances on the issue. It’ll be interesting to see what side people take.
Open border or mass deportation 7 months ago 7 months ago
There really isn’t at this point. So many have let in that you have to mass deport millions just to get to baseline 6 months ago
Nah man, I’m not going to say there aren’t unlawful border crossings, but it’s just a distractor argument that’s been greatly exaggerated for about 2 decades to keep the political right angry and scared enough to vote red and ignore other actual issues.
That’s why it suddenly gets a lot worse right around the time a democratic president is inaugurated, and then quickly forgotten for a while (until someone on the right needs another reason to be mad).
The fact that y’all have fallen for it for decades and still haven’t figured it out is absolutely baffling to me. 7 months ago
There isn’t for the two people running for president. Both are at the extreme of each end. There should be a healthy middle. 7 months ago
Lol at calling any candidate from the democrats “extreme”
Overton window and all that 7 months ago
No they aren’t Dems are center right and repubs far right, we by definition do not have a middle ground in this country because we’re absent a legitimate left. 7 months ago
‘Open border’ is just some stupid crap republicans say to fool rubes. The borders are in no way and have never been ‘open’.
Anyway, the Senate spent months preparing bipartisan border reform legislation, the most significant in decades. And what happened? Fucking Trump told them to kill it because he didn’t want a ‘win’ for Biden and he wants to inflame it was an election issue. Meanwhile Republicans still whine there’s “a crisis” and “open borders” and all their other inane bullshit, and are attacking Harris over it. Surprise.…/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-t……/72495722007/
And of course, Republicans lied their sad asses off about all of this:…/unraveling-misinformation-about-b… 7 months ago
Do you think the left is fighting for open borders? 7 months ago
Biden closed the border. You’re making up arguments that don’t exist.