Comment on In January, is it winter in Australia 4 months ago
I live in Brazil, we call cold season winter, hot season summer :). January is summer.
Comment on In January, is it winter in Australia 4 months ago
I live in Brazil, we call cold season winter, hot season summer :). January is summer. 4 months ago
As a scandinavian who has worked in Brazil for two years I can confirm that Brazilians do in fact call two identical seasons differently based on whether it’s closer to Christmas. I usually worked the night shift, and in July-ish, my Brazilian coworker usually wore a hat while on the backdeck while I was sweating like a hog. 4 months ago
That depends on where in Brazil you are, but yes,in the north (near the equator), winter is as hot as summer, and spring/autumm are the warmest seasons. 4 months ago
It’s rain season, not cold one =)