Comment on Daily discussion. 👖🪑🌞🌫 Thursday, August 1, 2024 4 months agoEvery morning I wipe down the windows with paper toweling to mop up the condensation.
For the windows covered by fly screen, I open them slightly and close off the room until the water has evaporated from that window.
So far, this has kept any mould issues at bay by being diligent and clearing the moisture away before mould can take hold. 4 months ago
Unfortunately in my area I can’t have the windows open or even the blinds. I might give a regular wipe down though 4 months ago
Hmm you can’t have your windows open at all for any length of time? 4 months ago
No, I might open the back one for a short while due to the fence but my area is really rough. 4 months ago
Hmm. Another option is to use a dehumidifier regularly.