Communist states had/have large militaries so I guess that’s not a problem
Comment on Is the Federation "Communist" or Socialist? 6 months agoIs that alright with communism? Strive for a classless society except for when we like to do away with that? I mean starfleet is kind of military and I don't know much about that in the context of communism. But there's also the separation between the worker class in a starship and then the officers who manage them and who get depicted in the TV series. I'm pretty sure that doesn't align well with communism. I'm not sure how many exceptions there are in a communist utopia. And if there is a better way to organize a starship than 20 century military hierarchy style. 6 months ago 6 months ago
“Communist” states also aren’t very communist. 6 months ago
Why not? 6 months ago
Read a history book. So far communism is a theoretical concept. Never has been achieved. And all the attempts didn't even get close. 6 months ago
Well the show and the universe also have to be looked at separately in that context. The show was made for an American audience, which has a strong cultural belief in “great man” theory. The American audience wouldn’t accept a show that doesn’t follow high ranking officers being the paragon of bravery. It also had to keep an arm’s length away from a specific socialist ideology to avoid being swept into the red scare.
Workplaces will still require management, even in communist and anarchist societies. It’s all about who’s doing the managing. The show doesn’t get very detailed in this aspect of their society afaik, but by all means it seems that the rank and file are valued appropriately with their knowledge and input. Believe it or not, but this aligns quite nicely with most types of American brands of socialism. The show keeps it vague for a few good reasons