Technically it stands for “Computer RPG” but nowadays it’s more commonly meant as “Classic RPG”. It refers to any of those games like the classic Fallouts, Baldur’s Gates, Planescape Torment, that blend turn-based strategy game with RPG. Modern examples are BG3, Pathfinder: War of the Righteous, Pillars Of Eternity 2, Wasteland 3, etc. 5 months ago
Technically it stands for “Computer RPG” but nowadays it’s more commonly meant as “Classic RPG”. It refers to any of those games like the classic Fallouts, Baldur’s Gates, Planescape Torment, that blend turn-based strategy game with RPG. Modern examples are BG3, Pathfinder: War of the Righteous, Pillars Of Eternity 2, Wasteland 3, etc. 5 months ago
Ah i see, thanks.