Comment on Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day? 7 months agoFor example Black people were a discrete legal category
THAT is not a race. That is treatment of a race. That is 100% a social construct.
Race itself is a real biological thing that exists. Not a pure social construct.
Stop conflating them. 7 months ago
I really don’t think most people use this definition. Like, would you say “what race are you” is a grammatically incorrect question? And what about “hispanic” as a racial descriptor? 7 months ago
No? That question is totally in line with the definition of race I gave.
The census says “hispanic” is an ethnicity rather than a race. I disagree; I think that’s splitting hairs.
I’m 1/4 Hispanic. My mom was half Hispanic (Mexican mother, European father…not saying the country = race before you get your panties in a twist, it’s just a fucking shorthand, everyone knows that most Mexicans are Hispanic and most Europeans are not). My mom is more Hispanic than me. Fairly simple concept. 7 months ago
Right, so what’s the Hispanic phenotype? As far as anyone can tell it’s a language, and until someone brown opens their mouth they could just as easily be an Arab or a particularly tawny Italian. 7 months ago
…if all brown people look the same to you, you might need to start meeting more people from different races. 7 months ago
Phenotypically? Yes, they’re very close. The whole Mediterranean is which shouldn’t be terribly surprising. I guess the reason USians use “Hispanic” and not “Greek” is because Mexico speaks Spanish.
The reason Europeans can reliably tell Sicilians and Arabs apart is not because of phenotype, but because Arabs tend to look like they visit the barber five times a day. Probably because they do.