Comment on Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day? 7 months agoThat’s what I said!
but usually race refers to the discrete-ish social categories that have been constructed based roughly on specific phenotypes. 7 months ago
THAT is not a race. That is treatment of a race. That is 100% a social construct.
Race itself is a real biological thing that exists. Not a pure social construct.
Stop conflating them. 7 months ago
I really don’t think most people use this definition. Like, would you say “what race are you” is a grammatically incorrect question? And what about “hispanic” as a racial descriptor? 7 months ago
No? That question is totally in line with the definition of race I gave.
The census says “hispanic” is an ethnicity rather than a race. I disagree; I think that’s splitting hairs.
I’m 1/4 Hispanic. My mom was half Hispanic (Mexican mother, European father…not saying the country = race before you get your panties in a twist, it’s just a fucking shorthand, everyone knows that most Mexicans are Hispanic and most Europeans are not). My mom is more Hispanic than me. Fairly simple concept. 7 months ago
Right, so what’s the Hispanic phenotype? As far as anyone can tell it’s a language, and until someone brown opens their mouth they could just as easily be an Arab or a particularly tawny Italian.