Comment on Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day? 7 months agoWell, words can mean whatever you want, but usually race refers to the discrete-ish social categories that have been constructed. Black people were a discrete legal category for most of America’s history, and were nominally 3/5 of a person and treated as much less. Now, they have equal legal rights on paper, but the category is still there. 7 months ago
That’s an academic ivory tower definition that they invented and no one else uses. Even the blatant racists who sorted races into these social categories did so based on physical appearance. You didn’t see any dark skin people allowed to use facilities that said “whites only”.
It’s based on physical appearance, which is based on phenotype. 7 months ago
That’s what I said! 7 months ago
THAT is not a race. That is treatment of a race. That is 100% a social construct.
Race itself is a real biological thing that exists. Not a pure social construct.
Stop conflating them. 7 months ago
I really don’t think most people use this definition. Like, would you say “what race are you” is a grammatically incorrect question? And what about “hispanic” as a racial descriptor?