Comment on Well done 7 months agoYeah, I’m saying that Disney doesn’t know how to responsibly manage an IP, including Marvel.
Comment on Well done 7 months agoYeah, I’m saying that Disney doesn’t know how to responsibly manage an IP, including Marvel. 7 months ago
Ok, but everyone else in the thread is talking specifically about the MCU. Disney has absolutely had issues with Star Wars specifically because they didn’t plan things out, but that’s not a complaint you can make about Marvel. 7 months ago
That’s my argument: that Disney gets impatient and squanders their IP. They paid billions of dollars for Star Wars and fucked it up. They have been fucking up Marvel and will continue to fuck it up in similar fashion. 7 months ago
I don’t agree they’ve been fucking up Marvel, certainly nothing like what’s going on with Star Wars. No matter which direction they went in people were going to complain, I happen to like the different flavors of movies they’ve tried of late (epic fantasy “Eternals”, semi horror movie “Multiverse of Madness” etc). And most of the tv mini series I’ve loved, Loki was AMAZING and I loved WandaVision. Also the MCUs least profitable movie still made 50 million plus, so it’s not like even their misses are hurting them much. 7 months ago
I think it would be fair to say that Marvel post acquisition has much less direction as a whole. Disney’s track record of not having anything resembling a plan for their IPs makes “experimentation” look a lot more like “floundering”.
Fan loyalty will keep things going for a while, but I don’t think we’d be hearing the phrase “superhero fatigue” nearly as often if Disney wasn’t running the show.