Comment on Hide your couch!
…and couch fucker, JD Vance.
Not that I doubt you for a minute but why exactly is he a couch fucker
I mean there isn’t really a lot of ways that one can become a couch fucker. But in his book, he didn’t mention which kind of couch, if that’s what you mean.
But he admitted to fucking some kind of couch?
I think colbert had an entertaining summary (starts at 7:50):…
Well it’s mostly that we can’t prove he’s not a couch fucker. Also, look at the guy 7 months ago
Not that I doubt you for a minute but why exactly is he a couch fucker 7 months ago
I mean there isn’t really a lot of ways that one can become a couch fucker. But in his book, he didn’t mention which kind of couch, if that’s what you mean. 7 months ago
But he admitted to fucking some kind of couch? 7 months ago
I think colbert had an entertaining summary (starts at 7:50):… 7 months ago
Well it’s mostly that we can’t prove he’s not a couch fucker. Also, look at the guy