Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago100% wrong, Yankee has a meaning and has only ever been a north south during and after the civil war, you know when we killed a bunch of racist ducks and burned their cities to the ground.
If you see yourself as anything but a Yankee I’m going to call you a traitor and a closet feddy, it is what it is no matter how many friendly southern afforisms you offer. 7 months ago
Wait. I’m a traitor?
Like, I have an entire culture that I’m grieving. Warts and all. Grew up in this. I talk different, look different, eat different from like the rest of the USA. I’m pretty much a walking talking stereotype of a redneck.
What the fuck is up with you that you think that’s a reasonable thing to say? Would Mister Rogers like the person you’re being? 7 months ago
I’m with you. Words change.
There are still good southerners. But it’s hard sometimes. I still live here but I’m weary for my kids. It’s fine for now.
I wish you peace with your family. Whatever that means. 7 months ago
Southerns sure, those southerns are Yankees. The “others” that don’t like to be called Yankee chose to succeed and got handled. So you’re might be a southern but you’re a Yankee or indeed yes you n either are a traitor or long to be one. 7 months ago
If you say you aren’t a Yankee you’re either a traitor or long to be one. We fought a war over that shit and those southern “not Yankees” lost.
Neat, so you’re American and you do stereotypical shit and have a slightly different culture and dialect. You know what every other country on the planet would say a Yankee is? The stereotype of the person you claim to be, ie an American.
Mr.Rodgers was against racism so I’m pretty sure he’s ok with not supporting the racist legacy of the South. 7 months ago
My god, I figure we’re probably on the same side of the fence. You seem like you’re some kind of angry and I don’t know why.
There’s so much racist freight in the south it ain’t worth talking about. My banjo teacher’s daddy was the grand wizard. Fucking for real, true statement.
I’m not racist. I’ve made deliberate efforts to include black folks (the primary other in my neck of the woods) in my personal and professional life.
I shook hands with a man today and told him goodbye. Iranian, he got out when shit went bad with the Shah snd the CIA and such. He owned the gas station down from my old house and expanded. We talked about getting old and staying working otherwise we’ll die. We talked about his grandkids and how I want grandkids. I’m going to miss him a whole lot. He’s a good man.
I’m a redneck, not a Yankee, and that’s okay. I love my people even if they are sick.