Comment on NCSoft president: "The games industry's evolution towards acceptance and diversity is ongoing"

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

Never in my life have I heard anybody say “Are you going to get new game …? I’ve heard you can play as a black woman in this one. So cool.”

Hrm, anecdotally I have quite a lot of formerly non-gamer friends who were really hyped for say, Life is Strange: True Colors, specifically because they were excited about how Alex breaks some beauty norms and gets to flirt with Steph on top of that.

Of course, anecdotally.

But it’s important to keep in mind that we’re no longer an industry of 5 teams creating 20 games a year. There’s so many games that there is more than enough space for every game. From absolutely purist near-identityless gameplay-only designs (Which exist in droves) to huge mass-market hyper-produced open worlds all the way to purist story/feels only visual novels and experimental art pieces.

And each of these categories has more games each year than the entire market around the Gameboy time had. Gaming is insanely big now.
