Comment on The Star Trek Series Ranked by Fans ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Interesting. I know TOS is popular and was groundbreaking when it came out, but first in the user score list of all time? That surprised me.

I guess I am an outlier here. I think TOS is the worst. Sexist, poorly written, inconsistent vision, campy. I really don’t get the appeal of it and I’ve watched it twice through. I’m grateful it caught on because we got much much better series after.

Here are my rankings:

  1. DS9
  2. TNG (skip seasons 1-2 😇)
  3. VOY
  4. LD
  5. SNW
  6. ENT
  7. Prodigy
  8. Disco
  9. Picard
  10. TAS
  11. TOS

After #7, I stop recommending the show to others.
