Same as with your bank accounts, choose two providers. 7 months ago
I just switched to FastMail a few weeks ago with my own domains to move away from Google, to prevent this vary possibility.
I realize how screwed I am if my email carrier arbitrarily decides to but me off. Haven’t changed every account, but I started with my bank/financial accounts, and basically intend to change them over time; every time I log into an account for something, I plan to change it. 7 months ago 7 months ago
How well does spam filtering work for you? 7 months ago
That I really couldn’t say, only a few weeks in on emails that were not being used before, so not really getting “unsolicited spam”.
I am getting a lot of messages related changing my accounts over.
Their spam filter is configurable though:
They also have complex filters you can set up to either auto-label, or auto-sort non-spam into folders, from basic usage, up to complex regular expressions; depending on your level of dedication.
All I set up for now is an auto-filter any email with ‘unsubscribe’ somewhere in the body to be sent to an ‘subscriptions’ folder. I will get around to it more eventually. 7 months ago
If you own your domains… beware of who’s your registrar, and which registrar controls the domain you use as the one to manage them.
As a basic safety measure, with two domains, you may want to have one manage the other on a different registrar, and viceversa. 7 months ago
For sure good advice. I do trust the registrar I am on though. They are not US based, I have been with them for like 15 years, they are well known, automatically provide domain privacy without paying extra, and are not godaddy.
No matter who people choose, just remember to keep your domain locked when not changing registrars, and protect your registrar login with 2FA. Treat your registrar like you would treat your primary email or bank account.