This is a joke article submitted by someone who was trying to see how low the bar is:…/Baldassarre_2020.pdf
(What’s the Deal with Birds?, Dan Baldassarre, 2020)
Comment on Dear Dr. $surname, $firstname 5 months ago
What do they try to sell you or get you to do?
This is a joke article submitted by someone who was trying to see how low the bar is:…/Baldassarre_2020.pdf
(What’s the Deal with Birds?, Dan Baldassarre, 2020)
Birds are very strange. Some people are like “whoa they’re flying around and stuff, what’s the deal with that?” This sentiment is…
Off to a strong start
Surprised they got Big Bird to comment on this pressing issue. Truly a scientific breakthrough. 5 months ago
They try to get you to submit articles to them (usually for a fee too). But they’re kind of sham journals with no peer review or standards who no one actually reads. They’ll publish pretty much anything without even looking. They have bots that just mass email every corresponding author in every paper published just begging for submissions. 5 months ago