5 months ago
A good game will stand on its own merits. It will be complete and self-contained at launch. And any DLC released later will have been planned from the very start.
Endless updates is just another word for cosmetic micro-transactions and an excuse to make you keep the game online all the time. 5 months ago
Meanwhile Terraria: “So we are releasing this last final update, but you can expect bugfixes for the next two years, and a last last final, followed by finally last last final updates in the following two quarters” 5 months ago
Meanwhile Stardew: “here’s a sequel’s worth of new stuff. Oh, and here’s another sequel’s worth of new stuff. Enjoy!” 5 months ago
“And at some point we’ll open source it” I think Redigit said that, and then he gave a small fortune to Godot and MonoGame. 5 months ago
Holy shit, he said that? What a legend.