EA just means “we released unfinished and we’re still working on it”. Because factually that’s what it is.
So Coffee Stain:
- Released a game quite unfinished (but still fun, don’t get me wrong!).
- Actually invested the time and money to get it finished and fix it up after release.
Poppenlockenheimmer@lemm.ee 8 months ago
While I agree with you here that Coffee Stain is a shining example of what EA should be and how it should be utilized, I think you can also understand OPs cynicism given the state of affairs. I don’t think it’s entirely fair to jump straight “to all gamers are mad no matter what” but I certainly empathize with your frustrations regarding the apparently implacable nature of the community.
My intention is not to tone police, I just think conversations like these would be more productive if they were less antagonistic.