The number refers to the horizontal resolution. FHD is nearly 2K pixels wide, just as 4K resolutions are nearly 4K pixels wide, although FHD is the typical term for the resolution and QHD is more commonly called 2K instead than FHD
Okay, but, 4k has literally 4 times the number of pixels that 1080P does, 3840 horizontal(“4k”?) versus 1920(“2k”?), and 2160 versus 1080 vertical. We are not so far from breaking the “1000pixels” interpretation completely; “13k” would be 12,480 pixels wide.
Seems to me that marketers are trying to conflate “k” and Megapixels, but if we started using Megapixels for Displays, the side-by-side numbers would look truely pathetic(versus what “seems common/attainable”, not what’s “percievable”. 6 months ago
Full HD/1080P is 1K. If you meant better than 1080P though, then more power to you. 6 months ago…/what-is-resolution-of-monitor-full-hd-…
The number refers to the horizontal resolution. FHD is nearly 2K pixels wide, just as 4K resolutions are nearly 4K pixels wide, although FHD is the typical term for the resolution and QHD is more commonly called 2K instead than FHD 6 months ago
Okay, but, 4k has literally 4 times the number of pixels that 1080P does, 3840 horizontal(“4k”?) versus 1920(“2k”?), and 2160 versus 1080 vertical. We are not so far from breaking the “1000pixels” interpretation completely; “13k” would be 12,480 pixels wide.
Seems to me that marketers are trying to conflate “k” and Megapixels, but if we started using Megapixels for Displays, the side-by-side numbers would look truely pathetic(versus what “seems common/attainable”, not what’s “percievable”. 6 months ago
Already broken