Comment on Stay Mad 8 months agoIt’s actually the other way around. Things are getting so bad in Canada that emigration to the US is at a 10 year high
Comment on Stay Mad 8 months agoIt’s actually the other way around. Things are getting so bad in Canada that emigration to the US is at a 10 year high 8 months ago
I’m not sure if you completely missed my point or if hating Canada is so big a part of your identity now that you just can’t miss any opportunity to spread that Rusian and Chinese anti-Canadian propaganda. 8 months ago
“everything I don’t like is propaganda” - Typical Lemmy user
No, what I said is true. You’re Canadian, how do you not know this?
Source: CBC…/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-…
Actual reasons cited in the article: Lower taxes, higher wages, affordable housing, dislike of Trudeau’s politics, cheaper groceries, increasing crime rates, increasingly disappointing healthcare system, and warm weather
Whether you agree or disagree with these reasons is irrelevant. The point is that trend is there and it’s accelerating. So to your tongue in cheek point about Americans mass migrating north, that likely won’t happen because the opposite trend is occurring as we speak. 8 months ago
Nice straw man. Typical propagandist.
But by all means, go on spreading your propaganda. 8 months ago
I’m not arguing for or against, I’m just pointing out the fact that emigration trend from Canada to the US is happening and it is at a 10 year high. I merely pointed out the reasons cited in the article as I clearly stated.