What normal people hear: “He took down the routers with some crazy complicated algorithms”
What IT professionals hear: “He hired a bunch of people to keep sending spam letters to their tiny mailboxes until they were so stuffed that they couldn’t receive any legitimate mail.”
PaX@hexbear.net 8 months ago
doug-clap What a uniquely skilled individual!
Me, a cyber-commando, dressing up in full tactical gear, ready for anything, for the trip from my gaming chair to my refrigerator to get beer while I watch my rented Azure servers send spam to a small country’s routers
Smh our bureaucratic government won’t approve my request to start a war with the DPRK from my couch
If he did this to any other small nation, especially a US-aligned one, he would be charged with a serious crime. The US can’t openly do electronic warfare but they can stand by and watch this clown do what basically amounts to cyber-terrorism, a least for a little while
Anyway, now that he doxxed himself I hope the DPRK actually gives him something to fear lol