Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024 ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

Had a lovely trip to Melbourne. Weather was great. I got to see my brother and neices. We went to dinner at La Bon Ton (which was delicious, but my God can someone get place some proper lighting) then we watched the first quarter of North v Melbourne before going to see Seinfeld perform.

It was my first ever time seeing a comedian live and it was hilarious. I’m gonna have to check out some more.

Even went on a few ‘dates’ from those oh-so-fun dating apps. I get like zero matches back home, but flying into melbourne my phone was pinging and I was basically feeling like that Nic Cage Con-Air meme with his long, luscious hair. They both knew I lived in Tassie so it was really meeting as friends, but it was nice to talk to people again. My conversational skills have definitely improved at least.

Came back home yesterday, definitely caught something. Probably from my neices. Feeling run down and throat has a weird taste. Stuck a swab up my nose but no COVID.

Back to the grind today :(
