Pizza delivery has electronically heated insulated containers for the drivers to keep the pizza in during the drive. Generally I think they group up orders so one delivery driver will hit up maybe 10-20 deliveries in that one run. It’s normally not driving 20 miles just to deliver one pizza. 7 months ago
32 kilometers is still insane. How long do you have to wait for your pizza if they have to first wait for that many orders that need to go in that particular direction. Must be hours. Here it usually takes 15-20 minutes. 7 months ago
15-45 minutes… I’m not exactly knowledgeable about pizza delivery logistics, so forgive me if I’m wrong about specifics. There was a decade or so where every chain promised delivery in 30 minutes or the pizza was free, but that’s no longer a guarantee these days. 7 months ago
It depends on how busy it is. It’s mainly the time it takes to make the pizza. Delivery is a 900 meter bike ride. I think Dominoes uses e-bikes so that’s maybe 2 minutes?