4 months ago
For the price, pizza always seems like the cheapest “eating out” option compared to others. Our cheapest I’ve seen is $7.99 at Little Caesars for a pizza (“large round”), along with $3.99 for breadsticks. With 3 kids, that’s one of the best deals compared with everything else around (only ~$12). It doesn’t seem universal with all pizza places though, some are worse than others.
What did your order in seems to be the stuffed cheesy bread, dips, and the delivery tip, those ate up half your costs right there, but food prices in general have gone to shit. ~$12 for a combo meal at a fast food place is pretty typical in my area and made me question my receipt a few times during the pandemic when I first started seeing them that high. I just stopped eating out at most fast food places altogether and get by on a salad, shake, and protein bites for around $6 a day. 4 months ago
I agree with this, they made some pretty poor choices and then explained them away by saying they had no choice. The bread was unnecessary, and yes I have kids too. A very picky toddler in fact. You never have to spend a ton on food, they brow beat you because it works, not because they won’t actually eat anything else.
Its still funny to me that kids are still tricking their parents into thinking they will starve to death if they don’t get exactly the food they ask for.
This poster wanted pizza, and had expectations of it that weren’t met, but she didn’t have to do it, it wasn’t forced. I think even your example via delivery with little ceasars would make more sense. Or just don’t buy pizza if there’s only expensive pizza near you. Pizza has always been a pricey dinner, only offset by the quantity of food just barely.
Around us, taco bell can be a great deal (and offers a vegan menu to an extent) as well but really this is more about not having enough time or know-how to reduce costs by cooking simple foods at home. A pack of taco tortillas, rice, beans, and vegetables to mix in is not expensive and makes a ton of food.